Roses are red. Violets are blue. I have two moms, and they're both super cool! This entry is a tribute to my moms...
Mrs. Shirley Ann Grant, the woman who carried me for nine months and then went through labor (I would like to go on record to say that I was really easy on her in the labor and delivery department. That is just the kind of daughter I am!) to bring me into this world. I am so blessed God gave me my beautiful mom. I would be so bold as to say she was the best mom I could have had. There are so many things I love about her. And I have a lifetime of precious memories that include her. I also have a lifetime of very funny memories because my mom has been known to to do some funny stuff!
My mom ran barefoot about the length of two city blocks, on gravel, to rescue me when I fell off my bike. She took me out for maple bars when I was having a bad day. She played games with me, and still does, even though she hates them. She snuggled me when I was sick and praised me for every one of my accomplishments, no matter how small or insignificant. My mom graciously put up with my teenage years, no matter how difficult I was. And she is one of the best friends I have, now that I am older. She worked a difficult job that she couldn't stand for years so that I could go to one of the nations best private Universities for free. And then she supported me when I told her I wanted to go to a different University at full price to be a Recreation major. A RECREATION MAJOR! My mom has cried with me through my darkest disappointments and quietly listened when I just needed to talk. Not to mention the fact that she has loved and put up with my dad, affectionately nicknamed "The Bear" for over 30 years! And to top the cake, she went river tubing with me for my 30th birthday. If you knew my mom, you would know that this was one of the biggest sacrifices she has ever made for me!
Mrs. Evelyn Ruth Martinez, my Mother-in-Law is another gift from God. Now, not many people can say that they have a wonderful Mother-in-Law and actually mean it, but I can! This is when I knew I'd hit the jackpot: Evie told me, in front of my husband and various other people, that she was on my team! It's us against Edwin, and quite frankly he doesn't stand a chance.
Evie has loved me like a daughter from the first day I met her. She gave a listening ear and good advice when things were tough between her son and I. She has patiently helped me understand where he is coming from. She is creative and fun and no matter how little energy she has she is always the life of the party. She is very young at heart and constantly learning something new. Evie is incredibly encouraging and, beyond a shadow of a doubt, fiercely supportive of her son. He could be selling rotten fish and she would try to learn everything she could to help him succeed. She has sacrificed everything time and again to improve the life of her daughter and grandson, without any praise or thanksgiving in return. They can count on her as a safe haven and I am certain we can too. I have never questioned whether or not Evie is praying continually for us. I know she is. And I know she will do so as long as she is alive. She provided a creative and stimulating home for Edwin to grow up in and nurtured his gifts to make him the man he is today. And to her eternal credit, she raised a man who keeps the bathroom clean and the kitchen cleaner! If that doesn't scream SUPER MOM, I don't know what would.
But the best thing I've learned about my two moms is that the most wonderful moms make even better Grandmoms. Liam is one lucky kid to have them to spoil him. I am pretty sure that my two best allies have just walked off of my team and on to his. But I'm OK with that. I'm on his team too. I love to see my moms loving my kid. They adore him like only a grandma can! And I know I need them both now, more than ever.
So here's to you Moms! Here's to all that you have been for us and will be in the years to come. Here is to all the laughs you will enjoy at our expense now that we will suffer through the same things that we put you through growing up. And here's to team Liam, may the force be with us.
Radish Cream Cheese Dip (Cool & Zesty!)
18 hours ago
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