Sunday, October 19, 2008

God of Wonders




Tonight I sat with my husband in our cozy, clean home, with a plate full of amazing cheeses and fruits and a glass of red wine. I was holding my freshly bathed baby in his blue and brown striped snuggly fleece sleeper and he was wide eyed and staring at my face with a look of pure contentment. I started to cry. It wasn't a sob, but that hot, choked up feeling. You know the one...that thick lump in your throat followed by a stream of silent, salty tears. I cried because I felt more full than I ever have. I cried because I am so humbled that my God would trust us with such a precious gift. I cried because he saw fit to give us such a beautiful miracle despite our state of being. I cried in awe and wonder of this gracious God of mine and the answer to thousands of prayers perfectly knit together in my womb and now safely snuggled in my arms.
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Anonymous said...

Thanks for invoking the A.D. Thanks for the phone call. Thanks for being my friend. I can't wait to snuggle Liam. Love you.

Anonymous said...

LITTLE TEAR ESCAPED.... reaction to your precious moment.
Thanks for sharing Ninz.

Kaari said...

What a beautiful looking family! So precious little Liam is! (:

Terri in Bellingham said...

Nina: We are so happy for you. God is so good. Love, The Watters Clan

Anonymous said...

Liam esta precioso, dan ganas de agarrar a ese osito y darle un abrazote. Todos los dias doy gracias a Dios por ese regalo tan grande que nos ha dado y por vivir esos maravillosos momentos. Felicidades Liam por un mes de vida, que Dios los siga bendiciendo a los 3!!!!

Anonymous said...

You brought a little tear to my eye with this one. Motherhood sure is an amazing gift.