One of the things I most look forward to, having two kids, is seeing them interact with and play with one another. I know that I won't see much of it until Jonah gets a little older, but I am really treasuring even the briefest of hints at them being buddies. Liam wanted nothing to do with Jonah at first, but is showing more and more interest in him everyday. He started with pointing and saying "baby" whenever he saw Jonah. Then he started inquiring after him when he wasn't in the room. Soon Liam wanted to touch him, but couldn't bring himself to do it. Then he was willing to include Jonah in his nightly round of bedtime kisses (probably a professional stall technique). And lately Liam is paying attention to Jonah and wanting to be in one some of his play time. He gave Jonah a toy, rubbed Jonah's little head (all unprompted by us), and then last night he blessed us with this little scene...
I know from experience with Liam that all I have to do is blink my eyes and my little newborn is two years old already. They grow up so fast! I had a friend tell me once that when it comes to our children the years fly by, it is the days that seem to drag on forever. And there are times when she is so right!
Jonah has been with us now for two and a half weeks and it has felt like a very long time. He has been quite a fussy little guy and we have gotten very little sleep. I started to panic, thinking that he was going to be colicky and fussy for months to come! But we found out the other day that he was just extremely hungry, poor little guy. We started supplementing his feedings with bottles and he is a completely different baby. He still has some very fussy moments and isn't the easiest to get to sleep, but things are going much better the last few days.
Today we gave him his first real bath. He has had a sponge bath or two, but we couldn't fully bathe him until his umbilical and circumcision were totally healed. Naturally we couldn't help but get some video and pictures of his first bath and our cute squeaky clean little man! My favorite part? When his hair is wet it is really curly and so so sweet!
Not to be outdone, Liam has given us some good laughs lately. I noticed in the last week or so that every time I go to get him in the morning or after naps, and when we catch him out of bed when he is supposed to be going to sleep, that he is hanging out behind his door. We have no idea why. There aren't any toys or books there and he doesn't take any over to play with either. Anyway, last night Edwin and I went to check on him before we went to sleep. All of the lights were off in the house and it was dark outside. I opened the door and it bumped into something on the floor about 1/3 of the way open. At first I couldn't see what toy Liam left there that would be blocking the door. But on further inspection I saw the sweet sleeping face of my little man! Liam had snuck out of bed and fallen asleep hanging out behind the door. Why? We have no idea. But it made for some good laughs and funny pictures!
But first, a little side track on Liam. The night before Jonah was born Edwin and I were watching a movie and Edwin got up to get some water. He noticed Liam's bedroom light was on and went to investigate. Liam has learned how to turn on the light but is still a little too short to turn it off. This is what Edwin found when he opened the door. Liam had turned on the light and then wore out and finally went to sleep, using his monkey to block out the bright light. We thought it was so cute and funny, I had to share it with you!
In bigger news our newest little man, Jonah David Martinez, was born August 3, 2010 at 7:25 in the morning. He weighted 8 lbs. 13 oz., was 21 inches long and has an amazing set of lungs! I had my first contraction at around 5:30 AM and by 6:00 AM was in full blown labor shouting at Edwin that we needed to get to the hospital as quickly as possible. We got there with not much time to spare. Jonah was born about 40 minutes after we arrived. He was face down and the doctor had to turn him over before I could push. She told us that if he would have been face up he probably would have been born a half hour earlier! We could have had this little guy in the car on the way to the hospital if that were the case!
Here are Liam and Jonah meeting for the first time. Liam did NOT like the hospital and he was really not OK with me in the hospital gown and bed. He wanted nothing to do with me! Poor little guy!
Grandma and Grandpa Grant arrived a few hours after Jonah was born. They came for a brief visit to the hospital and then went to pick up Liam and take him home. They stayed with us for about 10 days and were so much help. They cooked, cleaned, ran errands, took great care of Liam and did just about anything else we asked of them. I am so grateful for their time with us. We don't have many pictures, mainly because we were in survival mode the first week. But here is a picture of Grandma holding her new grandson.
Uncle Jeff and Aunt Christine were also able to come up to the hospital for a few hours to meet Jonah.
Here is our precious little guy. I LOVE all of that hair! I think I will be a little devastated if it all falls out like Liam's did. Liam had black hair when he was born, though not nearly as much as Jonah has. Then all his hair fell out and grew back in blonde!
Mommy and Jonah just after eating. You can sort of see in this picture that he has some dimples when he smiles.
Proud Papa!
Our little guy does not like to sleep on his back or be swaddled at all. He much prefers his tummy or his side. So we put him down that way and pray like crazy!
Mommy and her little men. I love that they look so different!
I think Jonah will get used to being knocked around pretty quick!